Brid River Walking
Track – Sat. 21st February 2015
Return to Boots N All File Repository
Hello all,
You are invited to attend the Boots N' All walk on Sat. 21st February along
the Brid River Track, a relaxing seaside break at Bridport. The walk begins
near the bridge at southern end of town, following the river west through
bushland, and skirting through bushland up the western boundary of the town
north to Adams Beach, continuing back via the beach track. Total distance is 11
km, but those having difficulty with the distance can do part of the walk.
Weather permitting, a swim may be a refreshing way of concluding the walk,
along with a visit to the town's new coffee shop. The walk is relatively flat,
although there is a steady rise to the highest point ("Mt. Arthur
View" on the map) before gradually losing height down to Adams Beach. The
walk is suitable for younger children, especially if the option is taken to
only do part of the walk.
Don't forget to pack your bathers and towel if the weather proves inviting
enough for a swim!
Meeting Times and Places:
If you are interested in going on this walk, please phone the leader, Chris
Langerak on 0409 808 152 to book in. The departure time is
8:30 am from the Door of Hope Church car park, Launceston. It will also be
possible to meet Chris and the party at Bridport just north of the bridge at
9:30 am. If you would like to arrange to meet
the group at these places or elsewhere, please arrange with the leader, and
please be at any meeting place 5 minutes ahead of the listed time.
The leader should always be notified of any other people you intend to bring
along, and you should always contact the walk leader if intending to participate
in a particular Boots N' All walk.
To access this area from northern Tasmania: From Launceston, you can
either follow the Tasman Highway from Newstead through Waverley and Scottsdale
via the Sideling, or from Newnham via Lilydale Rd and choose one of
several ways from Lilydale Rd. to Bridport, or follow the East
Tamar Highway to Bell Bay and follow Bridport Road east to Bridport. It should
take about an hour to arrive in Bridport, which is about 85 km from Launceston.
No particular warnings, but make sure you have clothing for both warm
and cool weather including a hat and durable shoes. Well
made sneakers should be fine. Please carry a drink - we suggest 750ml to
1 litre per person in case the day is warm.
Map details:
Brid River Walking Track:
(Their spelling mistake, not mine! You'll need to spell it like that, though.)
The attached .gpx file includes detailed waypoints of
the points of interest on the track, so if you have a GPS or a smartphone with
mapping software, you should find it quite helpful.
No peakbagger points on this walk! For listing of peakbagger points, see the Hobart Walking Club Peakbagger's Guide (2000 revision) which can be found and
downloaded (as an Excel spreadsheet) from
The same web page contains several other listings of
Tasmanian peaks.
GPX version of the track: Click here to
download. Google Earth version of the track: Click here to download.
Right-click on the file and “save target as” to a location of your choice.
(Suggest you click the “Last modified” at top to sort by date to get the most
recent at top to find the file for the next walk).
Discussions See
for discussion about the respective merits of hand-held GPS devices and
smartphones with GPS built in, as well as information about how to use a Garmin
Etrex10 GPS.
File Repository Boots N' All now has its own
file repository on the sutas website. See At the moment, this is only a file repository,
and not a proper website, but any of the .gpx and .kml files from recent walks can be downloaded from there.
These can be found in folders called GPXfiles and GoogleEarth. Eventually, more tracks will be uploaded
there, and hopefully some more detailed walks descriptions for possible future
Facebook users (and others):
someone who is interested in bushwalking but not receiving our email updates?
Please forward this email to them, and invite them to email … to add their details to our
distribution list.
Gear sale:
Retired Boots N' All walker, Gary F, is keen to dispose of his extensive
bushwalking gear (some quite upmarket) at very affordable prices. See
for list and pics of same. Email me for contact details if interested.
Basil Tkaczuk