Mount Penny - Saturday 29th December 2018
A relatively easy walk to round off the Christmas holiday break. Mount Penny is a small peak between Arthurs Lake and Woods Lake in the central highlands.Walk Route:
The walk is short and marked the whole way. It begins on Woods Lake road about 16 km from the turn-off to Woods and Arthur's Lakes on the Poatina Road. It initially follows an old overgrown 4WD track road along the flat for about 300m. We then follow a taped and cairned route which climbs about 70 m increasingly steeply over the next 400m. This part is rocky and steep in places. From the summit, if the weather is clear, we should be able to get a nice view of surrounding lakes and mountains. The whole walk should take about one hour in each direction and total distance is about 1½ km. We would expect to have our lunch on the summit. We have the option, if there is time and interest, to drive on down to Woods Lake afterwards to have a break by the water and then return home. This walk would be suitable for energetic older children, though not for strollers or pushers. Bring a little drinking water - suggest 0.5 to 1.0 litre per person. As always, of course, you should bring wet weather gear as well as warm clothing including gloves and beanies in case of sudden weather changes. We will be at about 1000m altitude all day.
Meeting Times and Places:
If you are interested in going on this walk, please phone the walk leader, Phil Andrew, on 0408 014 757 or 6300 1067 to book in. The departure time is 9:30 am from Door of Hope car park in South Launceston. It may be possible for some to meet us somewhere else along the way. If so please discuss with the leader. The walk leader should be notified of any other people you intend to bring along. Please be at the meeting place 5 minutes ahead of departure time.
To access this area from northern Tasmania: [There are alternative ways to reach Mt. Penny, but this is the easiest to describe!] From Launceston, head south on the Midland Highway, and on arriving at Perth, turn right along Youl Rd and on to Illawarra Rd, turning off to Longford. Continue through Longford, taking the right fork in the town on to Cressy Road. Continue through Cressy, and a little over 6 km after leaving Cressy, turn right into Poatina Rd. Follow this road up the side of the Western Tiers and south past Great Lake until reaching Arthurs Lake Rd. Follow this road for 17 km through Tea Tree Bay (Wilburville), past the dam area and continue through forested country The walk begins west of the obvious high point of Mt. Penny.
Launceston to Arthurs Lake via Poatina Rd is 96 km. Total distance from Launceston to the start of the walk ia about 110 km. Allow at least 1½ hours drive time.
There are no warnings for this walk, which is rated easy-medium, because of the uneven rocks in the climbing sections. If not for that it would be rated as easy.
As this is a summer walk, please take precautions against sun exposure - a broad rimmed hat and sunscreen are advised.
Click this link for a more detailed discussion of Preparation, Food and Safety guidelines for Boots N' All walks
Map details:
Mt Penny: 1:100000 map is Tasmap 8313 (Lake Sorell) and 1:25000 map is 5034 (Penny)Map references:
Short ref. n/a
Zone Easting Northing Latitude Longitude
55G 5 01 020 53 45 360 -42.04381 147.01232
No peakbagger points will be visited on this trip. For listing of peakbagger points, see the Hobart Walking Club
Peakbagger's Guide (2000 revision) which can be downloaded (Excel) from The same web page
contains several other listings of Tasmanian peaks.
GPX version of the track:
Click here
to download. Google Earth version of the track:
Click here
to download.
Right-click on the file and save target as to a location of your choice.
(Suggest you click the Last modified at top to sort by date to get the
most recent at top to find the file for the next walk).