Our first walk for Autumn will take us alongside the North Esk River in the Hoblers Bridge Reserve. A great walk to enjoy the birdlife and a nice wide trail for prams and dogs on leads. The first Sunday of March is also Clean up Australia day and we will also do our bit to make sure the trail is left cleaner than we found it as we go.
Walking Route:
See the yellow line on the screenshot below. The walk starts at Hoblers Bridge, just west of the bridge, and heads north-west from the middle of the of the car park. We will meet at the information boards, then continue on the main trail past the dog park for 1.2km turning around before the boardwalk to return to Hoblers Bridge. As we return to the end of the dog park we will turn left off the main track and around the wetlands (If track conditions allow) finishing back at the carpark.
If you are interested in going on this walk, please phone Dan Hutchison on 0457 765 907 to book in. We will meet at the information boards - 50 metres up the track - at 2pm.
Unlike the regular Boots N’ All walks which often visit more challenging wilderness areas, there is no particular need to register in advance for these Sunday afternoon Family Fun Walks. Your walk leader would nevertheless appreciate if you could let him know you are coming, so that the walk doesn’t set off without you.
To access this area from northern Tasmania:
From the city centre of Launceston, head past City Park, following Brisbane St. then Elphin Rd. NE then SE for 2.5km to reach Hoblers Bridge Rd, on the left, just past the Coles supermarket. Follow Hoblers Bridge Rd. and cross the railway line, just under 1km. The carpark is on the left, just before the bridge. Those familiar with Launceston will no doubt be aware of other ways to get there.
Other Information:
These Sunday afternoon walks do not require the level of preparation and equipment needed for wilderness walks. Dress comfortably and sensibly, and remember that even over a 2-hour period, weather can be changeable in northern Tasmania, even in early autumn! It’s always a great idea to have a warm top and a raincoat in your backpack, along with a drink and perhaps a snack.
The surface for this walk is all gravel and flat. The possible extended side trips involve steep, much rougher paths with many steps. The main circuit we will take is suitable for strollers. The main circuit we will take is suitable for strollers. There are no toilets, and parents will need to keep an eye on children that they do not get close to the river's edge.