298.094391 DRCAR Car Park fof Dial Range walks Car Park fof Dial Range walks Car 513.892822 DRGNOM Scenic point of Mt Gnomen Scenic point of Mt Gnomen Scenic Area 512.978394 DRGNPK High point of Mt. Gnomen High point of Mt. Gnomen Campground 35.051998 DRJCN Junction of river walk with track over ridge Junction of river walk with track over ridge Information 84.124802 DRROAD Dirt road as part of PCT Dirt road as part of PCT Car 294.000000 Keddie Track highpt Highhest point on ridge Highhest point on ridge Residence 249.021606 Sign and Jn 2 Sign and junction to Mt Montgomery Sign and junction to Mt Montgomery Trail Head 232.000000 Montg Jn3 Track junction with sign Track junction with sign Information 229.000000 Montg Jn4 Junction with sign - Myrtle Creek Junction with sign - Myrtle Creek Information 135.000000 Montg trk jn End of actual track - join a road, sign here End of actual track - join a road, sign here Trail Head 144.000000 Carpark Car Park at end of actual PCT walk Car Park at end of actual PCT walk Car 234.000000 Montg Jn5 Track junction Track junction Information 420.928802 Road Jn 2 Junction with road Junction with road Car 484.936798 Mt Montgomery 470m Peak of Mount Montgomery Peak of Mount Montgomery Golf Course 269.000000 Montg Jn 7 Junction Junction Information 243.000000 Montg Jn 6 Information 177.000000 Montg Jn 8 Junction under power lines Junction under power lines Information 246.888000 DRBEND Sharp bend in track Sharp bend in track City (Medium) 285.902405 DRROAD3 Join a road briefly Join a road briefly Car 342.899994 DRTALLJCN2 Tall Trees joins with Gnomon track Tall Trees joins with Gnomon track Information 472.135193 DRGNJCN1 Join Gnomon circuit track Join Gnomon circuit track Information 497.128815 DRGNJCN2 Join circuit track Join circuit track Information 420.928802 DRVIEW Viewing area Viewing area Scenic Area 460.857605 DRDIALJCN Junction with Mt Dial track Junction with Mt Dial track Information 487.070404 DRDIALTO Turnoff to actual peak Turnoff to actual peak Information 498.043213 DRDIALPEAK Mount Dial high point Mount Dial high point Summit 90.000008 Mine Tunnel Deep tunnel Deep tunnel Information 73.000000 Fernedene Fernedene picnic ground Fernedene picnic ground Parking Area Montgomery BNA actual Current Track: 13 JUN 2015 10:31 181.830002 184.229996 184.710007 184.710007 186.630005 188.560013 189.520004 190.479996 190.000000 188.080002 187.589996 185.670013 185.670013 185.670013 185.670013 185.190002 184.229996 182.789993 181.349991 175.580002 170.770004 171.729996 168.369995 165.479996 165.959991 165.000000 165.000000 164.039993 165.000000 168.849991 170.770004 170.289993 170.770004 170.770004 170.770004 171.250000 171.250000 171.729996 172.690002 174.139999 176.539993 176.539993 179.420013 182.310013 183.750000 183.750000 185.190002 180.380005 179.899994 179.420013 175.580002 175.099991 172.209991 172.690002 172.690002 173.170013 175.580002 176.539993 176.060013 175.099991 177.979996 179.420013 181.830002 184.229996 185.670013 186.149994 187.109985 187.589996 187.589996 187.109985 187.109985 186.149994 186.149994 185.670013 185.670013 186.149994 187.109985 187.589996 187.589996 188.560013 189.520004 191.440002 192.880005 195.770004 196.250000 196.250000 197.210007 197.210007 198.649994 199.130005 200.089996 200.570007 202.490005 203.460007 206.339996 207.300003 209.699997 212.109985 214.509995 215.949997 216.910004 218.839996 220.279999 222.199997 222.680008 222.680008 222.680008 223.639999 223.639999 222.680008 220.279999 220.279999 220.279999 222.199997 224.119995 226.050003 228.449997 229.410004 232.779999 236.139999 238.059998 241.430008 242.869995 243.350006 246.229996 248.639999 251.040009 252.960007 253.930008 255.369995 255.369995 256.809998 259.209991 259.209991 256.809998 257.290009 262.100006 264.979980 264.500000 264.500000 262.579987 261.619995 259.690002 259.690002 260.170013 260.649994 258.729980 255.850006 255.369995 254.410004 254.410004 252.960007 252.000000 251.519989 252.000000 251.040009 251.040009 249.600006 249.119995 246.229996 246.719986 245.750000 245.269989 243.829987 243.829987 243.829987 248.160004 249.600006 251.040009 250.079987 252.960007 253.439987 253.439987 254.889999 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