Armchair Walks

Armchair Walks

With Boots N’ All walks closed down during April 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic and the need to stay at home, we needed a few bright ideas to keep us cheerful while we awaited better times when we could actually “go bush” again, to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Stephanie started the ball rolling with her Ruta de los Volcane (yes, the same island that was devasted by the same volcano during 2021).
Perhaps you have an expedition that you would like to send in – preferably ready-made as a video. We can optimise for web streaming if you aren’t sure how, but try to keep the resolution up – 720p or full HD should be fine, but 4K might stretch the friendship – unless you have already posted to your own YouTube or Vimeo channel, in which case, send us the link. Or – if it is already on YouTube or Vimeo, we can simply link it, as we have done with a couple of the videos below.
Videos from the past 2 annual Visuals Evenings have now been included in this collection.

Armchair Walks – by Boots N’ All people and friends

2024 Boots N’ All Walks of the Past Year
Another great year for Boots N’ All, and we continue to explore far and wide, with challenging wilderness walks, beautiful coastal scenery and pleasant Sunday afternoon family-friendly walks, now called Walk this Way. Something for everyone, including you!

Scripture Union in Northern Tasmania and beyond – Different ministries, same mission! Mutual support and encouragement – motivated by God’s blessings in each different role In every mission, the same message – Jesus saves! Matt M reflects and shares images of some of the amazing SU programs.

Annapurna Base Trek
In June 2023, Charlie S was doing volunteering with a humanitarian medical program in India, leading into another placement at a Christian hospital in Pokhara, Nepal. When she said she was going to Annapurna Base Camp, her mum Stephanie decided to join her. A week’s trekking took them to “ABC” at altitude 4147m – twice as high as Australia’s highest mountain, but still nearly 4000m lower than the summit!

Furneaux Peregrination
In May 2024, Philip Dawson and friends took a short flight to Cape Barren Island to begin their Furneaux bushwalks, with a further flight taking them to Flinders Island a couple of days later. The autumn light was beautiful, even though the winds were fierce at higher altitudes, so some glorious scenic photography accompanied their energetic exploration.

Astonishing Aurora
Nathan Waterhouse writes, “I find that being out in the bush, or on a beach, or looking above, stimulates creative ideas. And who can’t help but be inspired by nature when you see the intricate creativity of God’s hand in the lichen and moss-covered branches of the sassafras, and the running streams cascading down the Western Tiers, or even the flickering lights of the Aurora. And in these things, we catch a glimpse, a small glimmer and a reflection and pointer to the Beauty of God.”

2023 Boots N’ All Walks of the Past Year
42 years on, Boots N’ All is still going strong, and again, you can see where we have been, and what we have seen. This year, the Family Fun Walks catering especially for families with young children, added to the variety.

“Into the Southwest” – David H
Year after year, David Harvey has always found something fascinating to share at Boots N’ All Visuals Night. This time, he provided photography of a trip to Lake Pedder before the beach was lost, and a Mt Anne circuit not long after the enlarged lake dominated the landscape. And that’s not all…

Federation Peak – 1988 – Peter D
As a much younger man, Dr. Peter Davies and his colleague, Dr. Jim Poulos, set off to conquer one of Tasmania’s most challenging peaks. Jim died from an inoperable brain tumour later that same year, and this video may be seen as a memorial to a beautiful life – Jim was often telling Peter that we were just pilgrims here on earth and our real home was in heaven.

An Eagle’s View – Tasmania from the Sky – Darren W
Darren Wunder is a pilot with a great deal of experience, having served commercially, and as a pilot for Mission Aviation Fellowship in Arnhem Land for several years. He likes nothing better than to soar over the skies of Tasmania’s spectacular coastline and wilderness.

Taking on Goliath, Hardings Falls Family Camp Hike and Bush N’ Biscuits – various contributors
Scripture Union leaders love taking children and young people into the Tasmania’s beautiful wilderness areas to experience the splendour of God’s creation, and to challenge themselves into new experiences – often out of their comfort zone. “Taking on Goliath” and “Bush N’ Biscuits” have now taken place annually for several years. “Family Camp – North” is also a regular fixture, and gives parents with young children a holiday opportunity they might otherwise not be able to afford, along with great outdoor activities, including a bushwalk to the amazing Hardings Falls.

Port Davey by Kayak – John T and Anna M
Avid wilderness walkers John and Anna joined forces, along with 10 others, on a hosted kayak tour of Tasmania’s rugged and spectacular Port Davey area.

Monumental Vistas in Utah and Arizona – Phil A
With part of their family based in Colorado, Phil and Janne again take the opportunity to explore the scenic beauty of nearby regions – and there is no shortage of spectacular wilderness in the adjoining states of Utah and Arizona.

SU Australia – Tasmania – Discovering Life 2023
Scripture Union continues its beautiful work among children, young people and their families, with a range of camps and outdoor activities, community events and sporting opportunities, along with the much-appreciated work of SU-managed chaplains in a large number of schools across Tasmania. Lots of smiles, lots of encouragement, and the Good News of God’s plan shared with kindness and fun..

2022 Boots N’ All Walks of the Past Year
Boots N’ All continues its 41 year tradition of bushwalking in Tasmania’s wilderness and scenic places – usually 2 walks per month. Here are some of the amazing walks of the past 12 months, and the enthusiastic participants who enjoyed them – even with occasional leech-fests!.

2022 Magnificent Cradle Mountain – Philip D
Kent had originally planned this walk for late 2021, but the weather wasn’t great, so he postponed until January. Again, the weather intervened, and it wasn’t until late February that this energetic party set off from Dove Lake, firstly under somewhat cloudy conditions, but then into a glorious day, to reach the summit and delight in the expansive and amazing views of this world heritage hotspot.

2022 SU Tasmania “Discovering Life” – compiled by Alan G
Scripture Union has a range of amazing ministries that help Tasmanian children and young people “Discover Life” through holiday camps and activities, sporting activities, school chaplaincies, bushwalking. All of these build confidence in safe and encouraging community environments. Here’s a glimpse of the past year or so up until July 2022.

2022 Taking on Goliath and Bush N’ Biscuits – various contributors
Each year, SU Tasmania provides a number of opportunities for older children and teenagers to go on camps and other experiences to give them experiences outside their everyday lives, and to allow them to challenge themselves and learn more about their capabilities, in the context of a supportive Christian group. “Taking on Goliath” is usually on the northern Tas. November long weekend, and has visited various east coast national parks. The name follows the Bible story of the young and small David taking on the huge and fierce warrior, Goliath, proving victorious by God’s strength. “Bush N’ Biscuits” got its name from an oatmeal biscuit often handed out by one of SU’s bushwalking leaders, and uses the wonderful BP Scout Hut on Cradle Mountain as a base for young people to challenge themselves on local bushwalks, including the summit of Cradle Mountain when weather permits. In very recent years, it has extended to a disability focus, with the same challenges offered to young people with disabilities, alongside a wider group of supportive young people.

2022 Cradle over the Years – David H
David won a competition at Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre some years ago with his humorous take on “I still call Australia home”: I’ve been to mountains that were ever so tall, to Ossa, the Rockies, the Sierras and all, but where ever I climb or where ever I ski, I still say Cradle’s for me. Includes a remarkable 1950s colour slide of Dove Lake, before changes made by the road, carpark, Visitor Centre, and the wide and heavily worn tracks. Also photos from the tragic 1942 Easter trip on which their leader, a very young Jean Goss, died of hypothermia. We finish with a recital of Psalm 121 by David’s late wife, Janet.

2020 Spectacular Tasmania – the photography of Rebecca Brogan (reprised at 2022 Visuals Evening)
Featuring the spectacular photography of Tasmanian artist and photographer Rebecca Brogan. For further information about her work and message, please visit… Images used in this presentation were kindly made available for the 2020 Boots N’ All Visuals Evening.
Click here for 4K version – even more amazing!

2015 Western Arthurs with Ian
In 2015, Ian and three others made the spectacular and arduous traverse of the Western Arthurs – one of Tasmania’s iconic wilderness expeditions. A great armchair walk, but the real deal would be amazing for those with the time and fitness to go there.

2021 Boots N All Walks of the Past Year
Tasmanian Wilderness and scenic places – Boots N’ All walks of the past year – August 2020 to July 2021. Some were very well attended, a few didn’t happen, some were changed to different destinations, and some walks were organised by our new northwest Tasmania branch. All kinds of weather, all ages!

2021 Southern Ranges with Phil
Early in 2021, Phil and a number of others had planned to walk the Southern Ranges in Tasmania’s magnificent wilderness. From a starting field of 12 walkers, only 3 reached the westernmost point on the Wylie plateau (all the others did, however, reach home safely…) Amazing scenery, very mixed weather and gorgeous wildflowers!

2021 BNA Visuals SU in Action
The 2021 Boots N’ All Visuals Evening was a great turnout, with the usual display of beautiful wilderness imagery and adventure. Stephanie reflects on the wider work of Scripture Union as children and young people are given amazing opportunities to experience energetic activities and the great outdoors, including wilderness experiences, and relates that work to God’s word in Matthew 9, in which Jesus reminds us of the need for willing workers to go out and give the Good News to people, young and old, who are too often “like sheep without a shepherd”.

Five huts – a Central Plateau Traverse
Ian Waterhouse and friends set off from Lake Augusta on Tasmania’s spectacular wilderness Central Plateau, heading north past a series of huts, ancient, modern, basic and up-to-date, past myriad lakes, tarns and swollen rivers, to reach the escarpment at Lady Lake, completing their walk with a descent of Higgs Track.

2019 Italy’s Dolomites Alta Via 1 with Kent and David
Kent was inspired by David’s account of an earlier walk on the European alpine trails, so he joined David and others in 2019 to hike Alta Via 1 – a high route in the Italian Dolomites. He and David shared photos and the story at the 2020 Boots N’ All Visuals Evening. Boots N’ All is a ministry of Scripture Union Tasmania..

2020 Boots N All Walks of the Past Year
Tasmanian Wilderness and scenic places – Boots N’ All walks of the past year – August 2019 to July 2020. We lost some dates due to pandemic lockdowns, but those walks were swapped to later dates, so the program went on! All kinds of weather, all ages!.

2020 An Ecclesiastical Adventure – Cathedral Plateau
Phil A and others explored Tasmania’s Cathedral Mountain wilderness plateau in March 2020, just before everything got closed down!

2019-20 Taking on Goliath and Bush N’ Biscuits
SU has always given children and young people opportunities for outdoor activities, beach missions and camps Over the past few years, this has led to renewed wilderness challenges for young people. These camping trips to the beautiful Freycinet Peninsula and Cradle Mountain certainly gave them memorable experiences!

2020 Visuals – SU Tasmania in Action and Devotional
Our annual Visuals Evening always includes a focus on the wider work of our parent organisation, Scripture Union Tasmania. Their wonderful work includes chaplaincies in dozens of schools, camps for various age groups, and summer programs for children in various communities, some of which are beach missions.

2020 Reunion Island – Coastline, Calderas and more
Peter Hollick enjoys visiting far-away and less visited places, and being a Francophile (he also speaks German, and perhaps a few other languages), was very much in his element. He shared his photos and story at the 2020 Boots N’ All Visuals Evening. Boots N’ All is a ministry of Scripture Union Tasmania.

2013 – Castle and Dome
The remote western wilderness between Lake St. Clair  and the prominent Eldon Range is a place of remarkable beauty  that can only be visited on extended multi-day hikes. Phil and others made the most of his summer furlough in 2013.

2010 Labyrinth and DuCanes with Phil
Phil, on furlough from mission work in Nigeria, took the opportunity to head for the delights of the Labyrinth and on to Walled Mountain. Nereus didn’t happen, made up for by heights of the DuCane Range and north Geryon .

2020 Labyrinth and Walled Mountain with Ian
Explore the stunning beauty of the Labyrinth – from the ferry trip up Lake St Clair, past the myriad tarns and lakes of the Labyrinth, and on to Walled Mountain – the very edge of remoteness.

2008 Boots N All and Friends
By 2008, we were doing a little better with our video editing, and Boots N’ All walkers and friends were again exploring far and wide through the Tasmanian Wilderness.

2009 David Harvey’s Video Scrapbook
One of the Boots N’ All founders back in 1982, David has travelled extensively, and always taken a keen interest in photography and video, and is happy to share his memories.

1937 A Walk Through the Overland Track
Boots N’ All were given rare access to Tas Calver’s 1937 photos and narrative of an expedition to places familiar to many, but in much different times.

2019 New Years Lake
When tracks re-opened, Ian and friends ventured in via Lake Ada near Liawenee in the central plateau heading into the peaceful Tasmanian wilderness – the “Land of 1000 Lakes” near the Walls of Jerusalem.

2019 Othrys to Lamont – An Olympian Traverse
Matt Brain loves the solitude of the alpine wilderness, and made a nostalgic trip to the Olympus massif, recalling a trip with his dad in the 1990s. His amazing photography and video work made this production the highlight of last year’s Boots N’ All Visuals Evening.

2019 Walls in the Snow
When snow “plastered” Tasmania’s World Heritage Area, Nik and some mates decided to make the most of it, venturing into the Walls of Jerusalem as far as Dixon’s Kingdom. Cold nights, but they were well equipped!

2019 Three Capes
The Three Capes route on Tasmania’s Tasman Peninsula has rapidly developed into a world-famous “must do”, but loved also by Tasmanians, including Ian and his party of Boots N’ All walkers.

2007 Boots N All and Friends
By 2007, our annual “Visuals Night” had changed from photo albums and slides to our first video of “Walks of the Past Year” – mainly Boots N’ All, but some others that people wanted to share.

2020 Ruta de los Vulcane
Join Stephanie and her children on their unexpected trip  to an island of volcanoes and spectacular scenery on the far side of the world.

2009 Boots N All and Friends
Our 2009 “Wilderness Roundup” – “Walks of the Past Year” – mainly Boots N’ All, but some others that people wanted to share.