Basil’s Biscuit Recipe

Basil’s Biscuit Recipe

After numerous requests over several years, here is Basil’s oat biscuit recipe. Did you know that SU’s “Bush N’ Biscuits” wilderness camp was named after these biscuits?
The recipe was developed from the traditional Anzac biscuit recipe but varied somewhat to my own taste! I decided the use of baking soda and plain flour could just as easily be replaced with self-raising flour.

Ingredients (to make about 45):
(I use a standard measuring cup but over-fill it for dry ingredients. My measurements generally are a little imprecise!)
2 cups rolled oats
1.5 cups desiccated coconut
4 cups SR flour
1 cup powdered milk
1 cup sugar
250 grams butter or margarine
2 tablespoons golden syrup
3/4 cup of hot water

Combine all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.
Melt the butter gently in a saucepan (or about 1 minute in microwave), adding the golden syrup and water when melted. Stir well before stirring the melted ingredients into the dry mixture.
Check the moisture to end up with a soft mixture, but not sticky-wet. You can add a little more SR flour if you accidentally make it too wet. (Less sugar if you like. Experiment!) I then spread the mixture on a board, flatten to about 20 mm thickness, cut into squares about 30 mm and shape each square into a ball of mixture (not too firmly packed) about 25-30 mm in diameter and set these out on trays covered with baking paper.

Bake in slow oven (about 130 deg C.) for 18-20 minutes. Cool on trays.

This recipe is really a double batch, but it depends whether you have enough trays, or how hungry you or your expeditioners are.