Earlier Walk Calendars

Earlier Walk Calendars

Boots N’ All was established in 1981. Thanks to David Harvey, we have a scanned collection of nearly all the walks calendars from then until 1990, after which we were able to retain the original computer files. It is interesting to see that some walks have remained favourites for decades. Others, sadly, are no longer accessible as old logging roads have grown over, and fallen bridges and culverts have not been replaced. In some case, too, boom gates have been erected to prevent access to areas that were once open to all. With some effort and friendly connections, it is occasionally possible to obtain keys to access those areas, but in other cases, landowners, having dealt with illegal hunting and vandalism, now refuse access. Nevertheless, if you are looking for ideas for walks in beautiful Tasmania, these old planners have plenty to choose from!

Boots N’ All Walks Calendars